Friday, October 30, 2020

How to Make Your Own Pipe Tobacco at Home?

 Let’s face it we live in a world of unlimited possibilities in terms of pipe tobacco choices but not when it comes to budget for most of you saving money is a great thing to be focused on. This is one of our best post about homemade pipe tobacco and it also talks about best pipe tobacco brands that you can use for making it.

Every DIY Pipe Tobacco Blend Begins with the Source Tobacco

You want to start with a great source tobacco. Our very own five star and one of the top five pipe tobacco products in the U.S. can be purchased for just $55 for five pound bag of pipe tobacco goodness.

You have enough to smoke for quite a while unless you are passing the bag around the neighborhood. But assuming you are “saving” your tobacco for personal consumption you have a lot of great source pipe tobacco to play around with.

But, if you don’t want to buy pipe tobacco off the shelf you can always source some Virginia tobacco seeds plant it in the lower forty and then harvest and dry it out. It’s labor intensive but if you have the resources and intent it’s doable for many of you, unless you are in a more urban environment. But, it’s a lot of work.

Why OHM Pipe Tobacco Rocks as a Source Tobacco

Assuming you have bought our OHM Pipe Tobacco you should be good to go for mixing up 3-4 flavors of your very own blend. And, you get to name it and proudly show it off at your next neighborhood barbecue. “My whiskey blend of pipe tobacco and has notes of Knob Creek so let me know what you think!”

if you are seriously thinking about our very own OHM Tobacco here are a few facts about our best of breed tobacco blend:

  • OHM Pipe Tobacco in economical 5lb bags are made using only the best quality Virginia tobacco leaves sourced from growers we have worked with for 10 plus years.
  • The taste of our pipe tobacco is rich enough to give you a full bodied experience, but mild enough so you know you’re smoking high quality pipe tobacco, with no nasty aftertaste like some lower quality blends.
  • Each 5lb bag of pipe tobacco goodness comes in a re-sealable bag and the size means you?re getting an economical buy too.
  • OHM Pipe Tobacco is manufactured to the exact standards that every Roll Your Own (RYO) tobacco smoker wants, stored properly in every step of the supply chain to ensure you are getting a great product that’s fresh, packed with flavor and not dried out.

Check out our Live Large with Pipe Tobacco Video?

What Every DIY Tobacco Producer Needs to Know

Back to our blog post and how to make your own awesome tasting blend of pipe tobacco at home. No fancy ingredients needed; get a plastic container, add some OHM Pipe Tobacco to it (start with a handful of tobacco), add a drop or two of your flavoring agent, let it sit for 24-36 hours in a closed container and then open the lid and let it “air out” for an hour or two and then roll it and fire it up. #livelarge

Look for too much flavor or too little and then adjust your mixture during round two of your DIY tobacco flavoring at home. Go easy on the flavoring agent too; the proverbial “a little goes a long way” is food for thought. Don’t pour in the whiskey or scotch, just add a drop or two.

Want to go really/really large on the process? Then, throw in some high quality dried blueberries into the tobacco and then pick em out later carefully, as they won’t burn well.

BTW, while you are here. If you are thinking about using a manual or an electric cigarette machine check out these three reviews of some of our best selling cigarette machines.

Start with the Economical but Mechanically Sound Premier Excel Cigaretter Injector (for low volume smokers)?

Move up the food chain and check out the more powerful Top T2 Cigarette Machine

Next up think about getting the PowerRoll Electric Cigarette Machine suited for any high volume RYO smoker

That’s our rather deep but we hope entertaining deep dive into how to make your own pipe tobacco at home and impress your friends and family with your custom blending skills.

If you have questions about pipe tobacco, premium cigars, accessories or anything RYO tobacco oriented please call or reach out via our Contact Us page. And, BTW, sign up for our Newsletter to get some smoking hot deals on pipe tobacco products.

Learn more:

Pipe Tobacco Smokers Lifestyle Issues

This blog post about the topic "How to Make Your Own Pipe Tobacco at Home?" was first published on our website here